This is truly advancing in the dark!
His face seemed reasonable for this stage. In fact I love the luminous green lights. But hers was less clearly defined. Unfortunately I found myself resorting to paint to obliterate the offending passages,so that the carefully placed papers disappeared, and I might as well have just used paint from the beginning.
My corrections did not resolve the case, in fact it made things worse. In frustration, I scribbled my brush over the new work. That action dredged up from my memory a film about the Flying Dutchman in modern times starring James Mason and Ava Gardner. He had painted a portrait of her, which she scribbled out with one of his brushes. The next time we see the painting he had turned the face into an oval with a contoured cross on it – So I did the same! An improvement!
I had painted some warm shadows on his face, but felt the need to add more torn paper to recreate the textures in her hair and in the background.
I have to say I’m getting a lot of enjoyment out of this exercise. Don’t ask what the painting means – it doesn’t mean anything. I’m not in a dark mood or working out a trauma of my youth (I had a good one, anyway). And it’s got nothing to do with Hallowe’en. Just Having a Go!