This is a rather hilarious attempt at the Cathedral. There is no way that a person with my lack of patience with fiddly detail is going to do justice to this building. You will remember when I was discussing the Belem Tower window that I was wrestling with the “decoration on decoration” that is the norm for this period of Portuguese history. The Cathedral takes this style into overdrive. But I liked the monochrome simplicity of the colour enough to give it a go.
I used Ultramarine Blue for the sky, the added Indigo to the mix to tone it down a bit. Bearing in mind Hazel’s dictum ” shape first, detail later”, I gave form to the dome, windows and door, and the returns in the wall. I had fun trying to leave out the white flying buttresses in front of the dome and the attached ones on the distant building; and there were the decorative spikes on top of the walls. Then it was a case of entering as much detail as I could before my patience ran out!
The few people give scale to the building. I gave one or two of them red coats to spice up the blue.