HGC resplendent

The final leg of this mini epic project to have a dragon wreathed around my lamp is accomplished.  Coping with a dragon, however benign, with five visible legs (and one invisible, of course), and a long neck, and a long tail, required two pairs of hands and a lot of patience.  My thanks to Rachel for invaluable assistance.

Honourable Giver of Contentment comes in three parts (like ancient Gaul), which did make  him easier to assemble.  First we decided exactly where his head should be, marking the place with a tiny cross.  Next his legs were bent appropriately and strengthened with a bracing strip, while the middle part of his body had legs similarly attached.  All four feet were then (PVA) glued in place, four sets of fingers restraining his desire to stray.

So far, so good.  Greater security suggested that his midriff should be glued down, and one whisker strengthened.  At the back of the middle section is a great body curl, designed as the principal place of  attachment,though  before we did that, the tail section, with its strengthened leg,  needed to be placed so as to give the impression of following on.  The fronds at the tip were determined to curl outwards – persistence won out.

Here he is, prowling among the eucalyptus (!) leaves, spreading peace and contentment all round.

P.S.,  I have a spare dragon’s tail if anyone wants one.

2 thoughts on “HGC resplendent”

  1. I can’t imagine what to do with the spare dragon’s tail, but for all his wrigglings during assembly, he’s turned out quite splendidly!

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