In the sunshine 05

This is a pretty torrid time for me – everything I try to paint turns out badly.  Watercolour, pastel, even my faithful oils, troup past me, one failure after another.  On the bright side – this has happened before.  I reach the stage when I almost decide to give up painting altogether.  But I have the memory of other times when everything goes brilliantly, when everything I touch is painting magic.  So I don’t give up….. yet.

I have just spent and hour and a half on “in the sunshine” and have washed out (with turps) most of what I have done.  It seemed to consist of wrong tones in the wrong place, poorly applied paint, light source undetermined, etc., etc..  Ugh!  About all I have achieved is the correction of the original drawing.  Still that’s better than no progress at all.

They do look more comfortable now that the posts have something substantial to rest on.  The bottom bar of the railings now shows up against the extended floor that has also provided that solidarity for the pillars.  Not a lot to show for an hour and a half ……

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