Stormy weather

That was fun!  I’ve spent some time edging this painting to fruition.

It’s a happy stage as the picture is entirely present and only needs adjustments to burst into song, a blurring here, a sharp edge there.  I don’t consult the photo very much.  I’m not after a close copy, and the painting itself is telling me where to work.

I have brought the tones in the rocks closer together so that it looks all of a piece, and attended to the shape of the edges, both internally and where the sea attacks them.  I’ve muted the red brown sand at the very front so that it doesn’t fight with the rest of the painting, and extended the dark rocks on the right hand side to support the lower edge on that side.

I will admit to taking a ruler to the horizon – it had a distinct hill in it!  I have also introduced more colour into the dark wave to suggest some translucence.  The turmoil between the wave and the rocks was exciting.  The waves needed to advance but I also had to keep a horizontal mode going as well.

I signed it so I must be content!

Now, while I’m in a pastel mood,  I’m going to tackle this photo in oil pastels – clear shapes, clear bright colours – should be good.

3 thoughts on “Stormy weather”

  1. Brrr!! I’m shivering. Thank you for allowing assistance with straight lines – I definitely wobble and attempts to straighten up usually make things worse.

    Oil pastels for the lovely “parrot?”. This will be fun.

  2. Steve, I think that is absolutely lovely and I’m hoping to spend some time finishing my effort now that the weather is changing a bit and have done so much gardening for the last few days it’s coming out of my ears! Not that I’m complaining as it’s looking lovely – garden that is. Lovely to keep in touch with you as I’m so missing the classes. Keep well. X

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